Chapter 1 Analysis of Algorithm (Section 2.5) ************************************************ Exemple 1 Finding an element in a list. Computing the nth Fibonacci number F(n). Problem 1 How long will my program take to execute ? How much memory do I need ? How efficient is my algorithm ? Is it the best one ? Which algorithm should I choose ? Goal: "measure" the quality of an algorithm: - Time - Memory - Easiness of writing 1.1 Complexity of an algorithm: Measuring time *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Définition 1 Decide which operations are basic (i.e. multiplications). Complexity of the algorithm: how many basic operations are needed. Exemple 2 Sequential search SequentialSearch(x,l) // Preconditions: // - l is a list ["bonjour","car","hello","juggler"] // - x is a string // Postcondition: return true iff x is in the list Begin // compare successively x with l[1], l[2], ..., l[n] For i From 1 To n Do If (x=l[i]) Then Return TRUE; EndIf EndFor; Return FALSE; End; Basic operations: comparison of two strings. How many operations ? - x = "unicycle": - x = "juggler": - x = "hello": - x = "car": Worst case: n basic operations Average case: depends on the probability for x to be in the list. Difficult ! Résumé 1 n: size of the data (here, the length of the list) Worst case: maximum number of operations for a data of size n. Average case: average number of operations for a data of size n (difficult) Exemple 3 Binary search A non sorted dictionary is useless!!! BinarySearch(x, l) // Preconditions: // - l is sorted ["bonjour","car","hello","juggler"] // - x is a string // Postcondition: return true iff x is in the list Begin If n=1 Then Return x=l[1]; ElseIf x <= l[n/2] Then Return BinarySearch(x, [l[1], ..., l[n/2]]); Else Return BinarySearch(x, [l[n/2]+1, ..., l[n]]); End if End Basic operation: comparison of two strings. How many operations ? --------------- |n |operations| --------------- --------------- |1 | | --------------- |2 | | --------------- |4 | | --------------- |8 | | --------------- |16| | --------------- For n, there is at most k operations, where k is the smallest integer such that 2^k-1>= n. log(n): logarithm of n other base 2 Number of operations: log(n) 1.1.1 How precise ? ==================== The estimate above does not give a precise measure of the time needed. It depends in particular on: - What computer you are using - How long are the strings - The computer language: - How fast are strings - How fast are for loops - How fast are function calls A precise measure of the time is often hard to obtain. Most of the time, to decide between to algorithms, a rough order of magnitude is enough. Draw the graphs to get an idea if there are big differences - 4n operations / 7n operations? - 4n operations / 7n operations ? - n operations / n+3 operations ? - log(n) operations / n operations ? - n operations / n^2 operations ? - n operations / exp(n) operations ? Définition 2 An algorithm is of complexity O(n^5) if it needs less than Cn^5+K operations to execute, where C and K are some constant. - O(1): constant (random access to an element of an array) - O(log(n)) : logarithmic (random access in a sorted list by binary search) - O(n): linear (random access in a linked list; sequential search) - O(nlog(n)): (sorting a list by a good algorithm) - O(n^2): quadratic (sorting a list by bubble sort) - O(n^k): polynomial - O(exp(n)): exponential Worst case analysis is usually easier. It is important if your need a warranty on the time needed for each data (e.g.: real time data acquisition). Average case analysis is more difficult. It is important when running over a large sample of data. 1.1.2 Case study: the Fibonacci sequence ========================================= Here is a program written in MuPAD (free Computer Algebra system). It present different implementations of the computation of the Fibonacci sequence. /* fibonacci_rec (n: Dom::Integer); fibonacci_rec_remember (n: Dom::Integer); fibonacci_loop_array (n: Dom::Integer); fibonacci_loop (n: Dom::Integer); Precondition: n non negative integer Postcondition: returns the nth fibonacci number Also increments the global variable operations. */ fibonacci_rec:= proc(n: Dom::Integer) begin if n=0 then return(1); end_if; if n=1 then return(1); end_if; operations:=operations+1; // Count operations return(fibonacci_rec(n-1)+fibonacci_rec(n-2)); end_proc: fibonacci_array:= proc(n:Dom::Integer) local i, F; begin if n=0 then return(0); end_if; if n=1 then return(1); end_if; F[0]:=0; F[1]:=1; for i from 2 to n do operations := operations+1; // Count operations F[i] := F[i-1] + F[i-2]; end_for; return(tableau(n)); end_proc: fibonacci_loop:= proc(n:Dom::Integer) option remember; local i, value, previous, previousprevious; begin if n=0 then return(0); end_if; if n=1 then return(1); end_if; previous:=0; value:=1; for i from 2 to n do operations := operations+1; // Count operations previousprevious:= previous; previous := value; value := previousprevious+previous; end_for; return(value); end_proc: fibonacci_rec_remember:= proc(n: Dom::Integer) option remember; begin if n=0 then return(0); end_if; if n=1 then return(1); end_if; operations := operations+1; // Count operations return(fibonacci_rec_remember(n-1)+ fibonacci_rec_remember(n-2) ); end_proc: printentry:= proc(x) begin userinfo(0, NoNL, x); userinfo(0, NoNL, "t"); end_proc: for n from 0 to 30 do printentry(n); operations:=0; printentry(fibonacci_rec(n)); printentry(operations); operations:=0; fibonacci_array(n); printentry(operations); operations:=0; fibonacci_loop(n); printentry(operations); operations:=0; fibonacci_rec_remember(n); printentry(operations); // Clear remember table; fibonacci_rec_remember:= subsop(fibonacci_rec_remember,5=NIL); print(); end_for: -------------------------------------------------------- [width=1@percent]fibonacci Figure 1.1: Measurement of the complexity of the different implementations of the Fibonacci sequence -------------------------------------------------------- Problem 2 Why is Fibonacci rec so slow ? (Trace its execution) How to avoid this? Don't throw away the results ! The remember option. Time consumption: - Fibonacci rec: exponential - Fibonacci rec_remember: linear - Fibonacci array: linear - Fibonacci loop: linear Memory consumption: - Fibonacci rec: exponential - Fibonacci rec_remember: linear - Fibonacci array: linear - Fibonacci loop: constant Easiness to write: - Fibonacci rec: straight forward - Fibonacci rec_remember: straight forward - Fibonacci array: easy - Fibonacci loop: harder 1.2 The P=NP conjecture *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 1.2.1 Case study: Satisfying a well formed formula of propositional ==================================================================== logic ===== We consider a well formed formulas of propositional logic. Définition 3 A choice of truth values for A, B, C, ... satisfies P if P evaluates to true. Exemple 4 A true and B true satisfies A/\ B. A true and B false do not satisfy A/\ B. Problem 1 Given the truth values of A, B, C, ... check if they satisfy P. Algorithm ? Complexity ? Définition 4 A wff P is satisfiable if at least one choice of truth values for A, B, C, ... satisfies P. I.e. P is not a contradiction. Exemple 5 A/\ B is satisfiable, whereas A/\ A' is not. Problem 2 Testing if a wff P is satisfiable. Algorithm ? Complexity ? Is this the best algorithm ? Does there exist a polynomial algorithm ? That's an instance of a problem where: - checking a solution is easy (polynomial) - finding the solution seems to be hard (the best known algorithm is exponential) Exemple 6 Checking if the solution of a crossword puzzle is correct is easy. Solving the crossword puzzle is not ! Exemple 7 Backpack problem with size=23, and objects=5,7,7,20,17,5,11,5,19,14. 1.2.2 Polynomial and Non Deterministic Polynomial problems =========================================================== Définition 5 Problems as above are called NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial) P: collection of all polynomial problems NP: collection of all NP problems Problem 3 P = NP ? In other words: If it's easy to check a potential solution of a problem, is there necessarily an easy way to find the solution ? Intuitively, no. This cannot be true. Well, despite a lot of research, we still have no proof! This is the main problem of theoretical computer science since 30 years. So, this is YOUR job to find the solution ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This document was translated from LaTeX by HeVeA (